
Booking for Ada Lovelace Day 2016 is now live - please feel free to pass on 
details to people you feel maybe interested in coming along.


Ada Lovelace<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace>, "The Enchantress of 

On Tuesday 11th October 2016, in Room 1.12 of the University of Edinburgh Main 
Library, we will again be running a Wikipedia edit-a-thon to celebrate Ada 
Lovelace Day 2016, an international celebration day<http://findingada.com/> of 
the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

What's involved?

Beginning at 10am with a range of guest speakers in the morning, this will be 
followed by fun technology activities from 11am to 1pm:

·       Metadata 

·       Fun with BBC Microbit<https://www.microbit.co.uk/> - a handheld, fully 
programmable computer that you can use for all sorts of cool creations, from 
robots to musical instruments - the possibilities are endless.

·       Fun with Sonic Pi<http://sonic-pi.net/> - the live coding music synth 
for everyone.

·       Create Lego 

·       Colour in a giant 'Garden of 
Ada'<http://thinking.is.ed.ac.uk/ada-lovelace-day/oers/> design; hand drawn by 
our Interactive Content team.

Did you know that approximately only 16% of the biographies on Wikipedia relate 
to notable women? If you'd like to help redress this imbalance, new editors are 
very welcome and participants will be supported to develop Wikipedia articles; 
creating new role models for young and old alike.

Full Wikipedia editing training will be given at 1-2pm. Thereafter the 
afternoon's editathon from 2-5pm will focus on improving the quality of 
Wikipedia articles related to Women in STEM!

The event page can be accessed here: http://bit.ly/2cGapkn


Who was Ada Lovelace?

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), the only legitimate child of the poet George, Lord 
Byron<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Byron> and his wife Anne Isabella 
was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles 
Babbage<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Babbage>'s early mechanical 
general-purpose computer, the Analytical 
Engine<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytical_Engine>. Her notes on the 
engine include what is recognised as the first algorithm intended to be carried 
out by a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first computer 
programmer with her work a major influence on Alan Turing & inspiring countless 
others. There's now a graphic novel<http://sydneypadua.com/2dgoggles/> of her 
short but brilliant life and you can read more about her 

Want to come?

For booking purposes, the day is split in two parts: talks & technology 
activities in the morning and the Women in STEM Wikipedia editathon in the 

You can attend both morning and afternoon sessions or just one.

  *   To book a place for the morning activities (10am to 1pm):
     *   Click here for Ada Lovelace Day - talks & fun technology 
  *   To book a place for the afternoon editathon (1pm to 5pm):
     *   Click here for the Women in STEM Wikipedia 

Time for lunch?

Food can be brought into the room and the fun technology activities from 11am 
to 1pm can be dropped in and out of. Tea & coffee will be provided and there is 
also the Library Cafe downstairs where you can get refreshments and a bite to 

Not a student or staff member of the university? A limited number of tickets 
are available through Eventbrite (links are on the event page).

Suggestions for notable Women in STEM who could & should be represented on 

Feel free to suggest name of notable women we could include as part of this day 
of celebration. Email me at ewan.mcand...@ed.ac.uk

Hope to see you there!

Ewan McAndrew
Wikimedian in Residence

Tel: 07719 330076
Email: ewan.mcand...@ed.ac.uk
Working hours are 2.5 days per week, usually Monday to Wednesday.
Wikipedia Project Page for the residency: 

The University of Edinburgh, Learning, Teaching & Web Services, Hugh Robson 
Building, 15 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9XD.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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