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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jim Killock <>
Date: Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:33 PM
Subject: Your MEP can help stop ACTA this week!

[image: Logo] <>
Dear Dear Jon Davies,

Great news! Your MEP is involved in the key vote in the European Parliament
tomorrow 21 June about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.

This will affect whether the European Parliament ultimately reject ACTA or
not. It is important that your MEP understands people's concerns. Calling
your MEP will help make this happen.


MEP: Syed Kamall

Note: *Tell Syed Kamall if you believe the plenary vote should not be
delayed. Neither the European Commission nor the European Court of Justice
can provide meaningful guarantees about the implementation of ACTA and a
delay will simply deny citizens and their representatives the chance they
have now to make a meaningful decision about this treaty. You could ask him
to withdraw his amendment if you agree with us.   *

Contact: Tel.: +322 28 45792

*What's happening tomorrow?*

This is a really big vote. Once again it will really help if you contacted
your MEP. Once again, it really will make a difference. The INTA committee
is basically in charge of the 'dossier' - meaning they're leading on
examining ACTA and recommending to the whole European Parliament whether it
should give its consetn to or reject ACTA. They are supposed to take into
account the other committee's opinions - which as you may remember, all
voted to recommend ACTA is rejected.

Those decisions were influenced hugely by the many people across Europe who
got in touch with their MEPs to tell them why they think the European
Parliament should reject the treaty. It's now to time to get back behind
the wheel and get in touch with the members of the INTA committee to make
sure they understand the problems, and why you care about it.

We would like MEPs in the committee to vote in favour of the opinion of the
lead rapporteur David Martin MEP  - that is to say,* to recommend ACTA is
rejected*. And we believe that *the plenary vote should happen as
scheduled*(this is the vote by the whole of the European Parliament on
the ultimate
decision, which is due to happen in early July). That means that *we think
the amendment recommending a delay to the plenary vote should be rejected*.
This amendment was proposed by MEP Syed Kamall, who represents London.

More information is available on our

Thank you for your help in beating ACTA.

Jim Killock
Executive Director

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