I know it might not feel like we're moving towards Spring, but I thought I
would provide an update of some things that happened in the past couple of
months so you can see what we've been doing.

* - On Feb 2 we held a Wikimedia day at Newspeak House featuring a Wikidata
hackathon and talk by Katherine Maher:- Wikidata hackathon video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHE-to8Xqyo>- - Katherine Maher talk video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABgEWzuiD6w> - The Independent published a
positive article
about how Wikipedia works - 21,000 retweets for our Twitter poll about
K-Pop <https://twitter.com/wikimediauk/status/963436913817505793>- Medical
articles in Welsh blogpost
How should journalists use Wikipedia blogpost
1Lib1Ref blogpost
<https://blog.wikimedia.org.uk/2018/02/1lib1ref-in-scotland/>- Celtic Knot
blogpost <https://blog.wikimedia.org.uk/2018/02/celtic-knot-2018/>-
Wikipedia and journalism case study blogpost
Structured data on Commons blogpost
Invited to speak at Digital Content Summit
<https://digitalcontentsummit.co.uk/> 2018 in May- Bradford Science and
Media Museum published videos
of the Fake News talk with a presentation on how Wikipedia verifies
information.- Wikimedia at 17 video <https://youtu.be/CwAUA0foRTY>.- We
have advertised for an interim CEO and Programmes Coordinator, as well as
the new post of Scotland Manager, and will be announcing these roles soon.-
Preparing a significant report about the long term impact of our Wikimedian
in Residence programme.- 1200 sound files of Welsh place names have been
uploaded.- We ran a Wikipedia editing session for the Kurdish community in
Dalston- Wikipedia Day celebration as part of the January London Meetup-
Wikifying the Welsh Assembly editathon
in December*

As we move into Spring and Summer, we have a lot of events coming up around
International Women's Day as well as an exciting project with Amnesty
International which will have events scheduled for May.

One piece of work that someone in the community may be able to help with is
that now Commons is accepting 3D files, there are lots of CC licensed 3D
files available online that could be uploaded, like these
If anybody would like to help do that, and write a blog about it, please
get in touch.

As always, we are offering project grants for expenses if you have
interesting ideas for Wikimedia projects, and I would like to be able to
apply for press passes for volunteers for events during the summer, so if
you have ideas for events where we could apply for press passes for
photographers to take images for Wikipedia, I would be happy to apply on
behalf of Wikimedia UK if you let me know your ideas for events that we
could attend.

Have a great weekend!

John Lubbock

Communications Coordinator

Wikimedia UK

+44 (0) 203 372 0767 <+44%2020%203372%200767>

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Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Office 1,
Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ.

Wikimedia UK is the national chapter of the global Wikimedia open knowledge
movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our work to make
knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting Wikimedia UK? Donate
here <https://donate.wikimedia.org.uk>.

The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate
Wikipedia, amongst other projects). *Wikimedia UK is an independent
non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility
for its contents.*

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