Hello everyone,

I've just published the Wikimedia UK activity report for December, which
was a shortened month for the office due to the winter break. You can find
the report at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Reports/2012/December

For those of you who prefer plain text, this is below.

Thanks and regards,



Below is the Wikimedia UK monthly report for the period 1 to 31 December
2012. If you want to keep up with the chapter's activities as they happen,
please subscribe to our blog, join a UK mailing list, and/or follow us on
Twitter. If you have any questions or comments, please drop us a line on
this report's talk page.


The office hosted a shared lunch in December for staff and volunteers.
Everyone who came brought some food and drink along and we spent some time
enjoying each other's company and getting to know each other a little. A
very pleasant and useful afternoon!

GLAM activities

Wikimedians in Residence program resulting from our November 2012
recruitment has been progressing with Wikimedia UK in negotiations with the
institutions taken forward. We are working with Natural History Museum and
Science Museum, National Library of Scotland, Black Cultural Archives in
cooperation with Equiano Centre, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums.


During December we spent time setting up the new infrastructure and began
migrating Wikimedia UK properties. For example, the board, office and other
private Wikis were moved to a new server - and preparations were made to
move Civi CRM and email in the new year.

Other activities


Information about microgrants that are currently running, and how to submit
a microgrant application of your own, are at Microgrants/Applications.

UK press coverage (and coverage of UK projects & activities)


Upcoming activities in January and February

08 - Board meeting - call
12 - Manchester meetup
13 - London meetup
13 - Oxford meetup
14 - AHRC Wikipedia training workshop at the British Library
16 - IRC office hours
20 - Reading Meetup

08 - Introduction to Wikipedia workshop at the British Library
09–10 - Board meeting - in person
10 - London meetup
16 - Liverpool meetup
17 - Coventry meetup
20 - IRC office hours
23–24 - Training the Trainers/February 2013 event - Manchester
For events in March 2013 and onwards, please see Events.

Administrative activities

Board activities

There was a meeting of the Executive Working Group, and the minutes are in
the process of being drafted. Work continued with Compass Partnership on
our Governance Review.

News from the Chief Exec

For information on Jon's activities this month, see News from the Office.


Links to December's press coverage can be found higher up this page.
In general December was a fairly quiet month for Wikimedia UK
communications. In part this is because the chapter didn't participate
directly in the Wikimedia Foundation annual fundraising campaign. It was
also a short month in terms of office activity as the winter break began on
22 December.
There were interesting blog posts on the first stage implementation of the
new visual editing tool for Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons reaching the
landmark of hosting 15 million files and a Manchester Girl Geeks editing
event. Also covered by the blog were a training session for editors in
Stanford and an update on the Communications Data Bill.
We experimented a little with video this month, using the festive season as
an opportunity to record a message from staff to the community, accompanied
by a written message from Jon. This was well received so we'll be looking
to try out more video in the future. Also in keeping with the festive
season we designed and distributed some festive e-cards, which we hope you
A loose framework has been created for this year's Annual Review. You can
see the top level page here. Each section breaks down into its own page.
Please do get involved in helping to shape this report and all content
contributions are welcome.
In more general terms Stevie has been trying to build networks and
relationships with organisations that share our broad objectives. During
December he met with Creative Commons, attended a Google-hosted event
called Interactivism and met with the Shoreditch Network. This work carries
over into January.

Fundraising and Membership


This month, we received £13,128.78 in one-off donations, with 49 individual
donations, of which 3 were defined as major gifts (over £1000). Removing
those from consideration, the average donation amount was £39.69 - 75% of
these donors have had Gift Aid Declarations made and matched with their
records. If anyone would like a full (but anonymised) csv file with more
information, please get in touch with katherine.bav...@wikimedia.org.uk and
let her know your requirements.
There were 5,783 successful direct debits this month, bringing in a total
of £23,817.37.


Up to 31st December 2012:
138 new (membership commenced in preceding three months) and current
123 'grace' members (membership within six months after date membership
should be renewed)
This adds up to 261 members who are eligible to vote
124 Expired members
A reminder was sent to all members in the January 2013 members newsletter
to renew their membership. Results of this will be included in the January
2013 monthly report.


Stevie Benton
Communications Organiser
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 20 7065 0993 / +44 (0) 7803 505 173

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England
and Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513.
Registered Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street,
London EC2A 4LT. United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a
global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the
Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

*Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal
control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.*
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: http://uk.wikimedia.org

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