wsers would definitely be a
good idea.
Tell people to update very old browser, sure. Advertise a specific one,
no no.
Katie Chan
Any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the
author and do not necessarily represent the view of any organisation the
Europe in
2015" but can someone disable this on mobile asap or make it work on
Please also reach out to us on the mobile-l mailing list ahead of
running these campaigns if you are unsure how to test campaigns, we're
happy to help.
Katie Chan
Any views or opinions pres
It was a privilege to have meet you at Wikimedia events and you will be
"And I'd like to [...] exclude destructive communication from my life
(yes, there's some amount of burnout on toxic people and entitlement)."
Sad to read this, but so so understandable unfortunat
If you're going to troll, why let facts get in the way
On the other note, congratulation Oliver, Dan and Nick!!! :)
Katie Chan
Any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the
author and do not necessarily represent the view of any o
apter. However, my
contributions pre-date my employment AND even in the future, would be
done strictly in a volunteer capacity as completely unrelated to what
I'm employed for.
Katie Chan
Any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the
author and do not necessarily
On 28/02/2013 14:22, Tuszynski, Jaroslaw W. wrote:
I do a lot of work on Commons, while using a setting that all pages I edit go
to my watchlist. In the past I was able to control the size of my watchlist by
occasionally purging it by editing raw watchlist. However when Cat-a-lot gadget
On 30/11/2012 00:30, Jeremy Baron wrote:
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Neil Harris wrote:
currently gives me a page saying:
[Wikimedia Foundation logo]
Domain not configured
This domain points to a Wikimedia Foundation server, but is not configured
on this server