User "Catrope" changed the status of MediaWiki.r78150.

Old Status: new
New Status: resolved

Full URL:
Commit summary:

Fixing bugs and modernising a little bit

* add() takes the selector directly. Passing a jQuery object either doesn't 
work or is an undocumented feature.
* using the mw.util functions instead of a less than perfect regex.
* closest() instead of parents() is faster and should be used whenever possible
* The this in processResult() didn't refer to the jQuery object of the anchor 
tag. It was probably never noticed since it's only used in the else{}-fallback 
(hard to mis). Fixed now by passing the link in the function
* The this in .bind('mw-ajaxwatch') didn't refer to this either, fixed also by 
passing  into the function
* Replace() function in .bind('mw-ajaxwatch') didn't work, the slashes causes 
nothing to be matched at all. Before this the href stayed the same and didn't 
change accordingly.

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