User "Catrope" changed the status of MediaWiki.r98699.

Old Status: deferred
New Status: fixme

User "Catrope" also posted a comment on MediaWiki.r98699.

Full URL:
Commit summary:

add CreateAPage to SVN. Mostly compatible with 1.16, except that the upload 
form has *not* been rewritten to be comptible with 1.16's new upload system.


+$wgCreatePageCoverRedLinks = false;
+// Hooked functions
+$wgHooks['EditPage::showEditForm:initial'][] = 'wfCreatePagePreloadContent';
+$wgHooks['Image::RecordUpload:article'][] = 'wfCreatePageShowNoImagePage';
+$wgHooks['CustomEditor'][] = 'wfCreatePageRedLinks';
+$wgHooks['ConfirmEdit::onConfirmEdit'][] = 'wfCreatePageConfirmEdit'; // 
ConfirmEdit CAPTCHA
+if ( $wgCreatePageCoverRedLinks ) {
+       $wgHooks['UserToggles'][] = 'wfCreatePageToggle';
It is '''impossible''' for LocalSettings.php to set $wgCreatePageCoverRedLinks 
to true in time for the second check. You should move the if statement to the 
hook function.

+               'section' => 'editing',
You should move the preference to one of the subsections of the 'editing' 
section. The only existing subsections are editing/textboxsize and 
editing/advancedediting so you probably want the latter.

The extension setup file name (CreatePage.php) doesn't match the directory name 
(Create'''A'''Page), this is bad style.

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