Starting on Tuesday, March 4th, the new Labs install in the eqiad data center will be open for business. Two dramatic things will happen on that day: Wikitech will gain the ability to create instances in eqiad, and wikitech will lose the ability to create new instances in pmtpa.

About a month from Tuesday, the pmtpa labs install will be shut down. If you want your project to still be up and running in April, you must take action!

We are committed to not destroying any instances or data during the shutdown, but projects that remain untouched by human hands during the next few weeks will be mothballed by staff: the data will be preserved but most likely compressed and archived, and instances will be left in a shutdown state.

(Note: Toollabs users can sit tight for a bit; Coren will provide specific migration instructions for you shortly.)

I've written a migration guide, here: It's a work in progress, so check back frequently. Please don't hesitate to ask questions on IRC, make suggestions as to guide improvements, or otherwise question this process. Quite a few of the suggested steps in that guide require action on the part of a Labs op -- for that purpose we've created a bugzilla tracking bug, 62042. To add a migration bug that links to the tracker, use this link:

At the very least, please visit this page and edit it with your project migration plans: Projects that have no activity on that page will be early candidates for mothballing. If you want me to delete your project, please note that as well -- that will allow us to free up resources for future projects.

I am cautiously optimistic about this migration. Most of our testing has gone fairly well, so a lot of you should find the process smooth and easy. That said, we're all going to be early adopters of this tech, so I appreciate your patience and understanding when inevitable bugs shake out. I look forward to hearing about them on IRC!


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