Yes, it's much prettier than dbtree.  Nice!

On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 4:48 PM Aaron Schulz <> wrote:
> I really like the visual tree on . Good 
> work!
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 3:18 AM Manuel Arostegui <> 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> If you don’t use or, feel free to 
>> ignore this message.
>> As of today, tendril is now retired and the main page is replaced with a 
>> list of replacement for different services tendril used to provide:
>> For checking out our dbtree and replication data:
>> if you are in the NDA LDAP group, use Orchestrator
>> otherwise, use the information page on For more detail 
>> you can also check eqiad.json or codfw.json
>> If you are looking for slow queries log, go to slow queries dashboard using 
>> our standard observability platform (logstash) (NDA required)
>> Tendril has been a great tool for us during the years, but unfortunately it 
>> is impossible to maintain with modern MariaDB versions (it uses TokuDB, 
>> which is no longer available on MariaDB after 10.1 and needs to be compiled 
>> separately) nor its webservice is compatible with modern php versions. Its 
>> database is still running on Stretch and on MariaDB 10.1 (which has not been 
>> supported for a year already) and it is having serious scalability issues. 
>> This would unblock us from removing a lot of legacy home-brew craft and 
>> replace them with more modern toolings such as orchestrator.
>> Orchestrator has been in place for a few months now, and provides us with a 
>> great way to see and (in the future) manage replication topologies. For now 
>> we are using it only for visualization purposes but in the future we’d like 
>> it to also help us to handle replication changes (it can be done from the UI 
>> or via CLI) and recover topologies automatically if they fail and involve 
>> masters or intermediate masters.
>> The slow queries dashboard in logstash offer multiple advantages over 
>> tendril. You can set the threshold to see slow queries that took longer to 
>> run. You can filter out code paths you’re not interested in or zoom in to 
>> relevenet code paths. You can limit it to write queries or read queries 
>> only. Also, it provides id of the request making the slow query, so you can 
>> cross check it with the rest of logstash or hadoop to identify problematic 
>> behavior.
>> If you need it for the transition period, you can still access it in 
>> But it will be shut down in a month. You can 
>> follow the work of shutting down tendril in 
>> Thank you.
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Daniel Zahn <>
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