Hello all,

This message is for those of you who do deployments to the WMF cluster.

On the [[How to deploy code]] wikitech page, there is a section on
Testing your live code:

That's a pretty basic overview of it and it could be greatly improved
with information like:
* How to monitor specific parts of the cluster that are relevant to what
  you deployed
* What general monitoring should be looked at after you deploy

I know many of you already do much of this after you deploy, but the
lack of documentation on *how* to do it was a recurring theme in the
initial interviews I did with engineering teams when I first started.

== "The Ask" ==

I'm asking you ("you" being those of you who have experience doing
post-deploy monitoring) to please add more documentation to this section
of the How to deploy code page:

I expect people from both engineering and ops will have feedback here.

Also, those of you who don't know how to monitor/log things post deploy
but you have specific questions, please ask here so that someone who
does know can answer on the wiki.



| Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| identi.ca: @greg                A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |

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