Hi folks,

not sure if this belongs on this list or not, and its probably a
stupidly simple question, but its got me stumped.

I just installed the latest MDK package for wine
(wine-20031118-mdk.i586) to update the one that shipped with MDK 9.2

Now, when I try and run wine I get

wine: error while loading shared libraries: libwine.so.1: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

libwine.so.1 is in /usr/lib/wine and I've run ldconfig after the package
install, but still no joy.

Any ideas what's going on here?  The install also un-installed several
other packages (not sure which ones though, good aren't I??) that I
probably need to re-install too.

It also removed the menu icons for wine and left XWine not functioning
too (guess that's because wine doesn't work though).

Thanks heaps.

Peter Nunn.
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InfoTeq Pty. Ltd.

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