I have published version 0.0.4 of Wine Mono on Sourceforge. I fully
intend to make this release a part of Wine.

The source tarball is at

The binary is at

For developers, the source repository is at

Changes since 0.0.2:
 * With Wine 1.5.4 and Wine Mono 0.0.4, it's now possible to run
mixed-mode assemblies.
 * The random hang that was introduced in Mono 2.11 is now fixed
(0.0.2 contained a hacky work-around).
 * A replacement for XNA 4.0 based on MonoGame is now included, to be
used if MS XNA 4.0 is not installed.
 * Updated Mono from 2.11.0 to 2.11.1, bringing in the changes listed
here: http://mono.1490590.n4.nabble.com/Mono-2-11-1-is-out-td4575466.html
 * Changes from Hans Leidekker to make upgrading and removing the msi
work better.
 * Added more registry keys to prevent native .NET from trying to
install while Wine Mono is installed.
 * Various improvements to the build script.

Some programs that worked with the official Mono for Windows package
will fail with this one because gluezilla (Mono's web browser
component) is missing. In all other respects I expect this to work as
well as or better than the official Mono for Windows package, and if
not I'd like to hear about it.

If nothing new seems to be horribly wrong with this build other than
the lack of gluezilla, I will try to make it an official part of Wine.

It's not really clear where the bugs should be reported at the moment,
but I think Wine bugzilla is appropriate.

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