Gentles All,

When we started the HornRaiser for Camp Shakespeare, we were advised to
keep our expectations modest for our first outing, but thanks to the
full-throated response and astonishing generosity of so many—thank you
thank you thank you ALL!!—we have shown our friends in UT’s Development
Office that we are a force to be reckoned with. Now, in the final stretch
on our twice-stretched HornRaiser goal, *WE HAVE 2 DAYS* to close the
narrow gap between where we are today--$41,975--and our target of $45,000.
Just $3025 to go!

We are aiming for the largest number of individual donors possible as an
expression of our entire Winedale community’s support for Camp Shakespeare,
Robin, and Doc.  To the 110 friends and family who have given so far, “a
thousand thanks”! For anyone who hasn’t made a contribution yet, we welcome
gifts in any amount, including $5 and $10 and $20.  Climb on this virtual
bus to Round Top and join the party!

Here is the HornRaiser link! <>

Other exciting news: Below is the link to the film version of the
performance of *Much Ado About Nothing *from the first session of Camp
Shakespeare. As you will see, the students’ incredibly hard work resulted
in a joyful and moving affirmation of love and community.

Much Ado About Nothing

Camp Shakespeare at Winedale YouTube Page


Maggie Megaw, Mary Collins, & Madge Darlington
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