My employer has preliminarily approved about 20 laptops to be donated
for use at the shelters, when I get to the office tomorrow I will find
out for sure.  I would like to go into the conversation with some actual
requests and where they will go instead of just estimates.  This gives
them some more idea that their donations will be well used.  

If you have time please let me know what type of equipment and the
number of units, the current plans are for the SoCal team to leave
Wednesday morning and to bring about 20 laptops.  But I can ask for what
ever is needed, printers, hubs, monitors, chairs, of course it all has
to fit as well.  Please also include as much information about the needs
of the different shelters so I can include that information as well.

Also if you would be available for a phone call tomorrow incase they
have more questions let me know how to contact you.

 Anthony Clendenen                ESRI, Inc.
 Systems Group                        380 New York St.
 909.793.2853 1-1288                 Redlands, CA  92373
 909.379.8934 [C]            
 909.213.9211 [P]                      
 909.798.2090 [F]

-----Original Message-----
From: Mac Dearman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Emergency-Relief] update from La.

Good evening list,

     I thought I would give you all an update on whats going on here. 
Jim Patient (ST. Louis, Mo., myself and Steve
 (Seattle, Wa  have connected two more shelters 
with High speed Internet and VOIP phones as well as PCs that will enable

them to fill out their FEMA, RedCross and unemployment applications  as 
well as assist in finding their lost family and friends.

   I will fill out the form that Bullit has requested of me and would 
have done that before now, but I just havent had time. We just walked in

the door here at my home 20 minutes ago and had the first hot meal in 
two days. I appreciate anything that any of you have done/will do for 
anyone in Louisiana, Mississippi or Texas as they to are over burdened 
with evacuees.

   I have been overwhelmed with the amount of help that is headed this 
way. I won't turn down any help until we get these shelters up to speed.

It seems that the shelters have heard that we are doing this and they 
are absolutely popping up out of the wood work. We had a call from 3 
shelters in Tallulah, La. this evening with one housing 127 evacuees and

had several more whole families on the way. I know that there is a crew 
coming out of (5)Chicago, a crew from Atlanta(7 men) some folks from 
Indianapolis, and (5?) from Southern California. When we get these 
shelters in the surrounding Parishes connected I will have completed 
scouting out shelters further to the south in need of connectivity and 
VOIP until we are out of gear or NOLA is opened up and/or Part15 takes 
the lead and sends us elsewhere.

 I have staff here in the office (Sharon) that is coordinating our 
efforts and fielding calls if anyone has any further questions. Please 
feel free to call.

  There is plenty to be done and all these men headed this way are 
really wanting to "wade out" in the water and get their feet wet. It 
will put them a little closer to the action and in a good position when 
the call comes from Part-15.  I am glad to have all the help and all the

gear to make things a little easier on these folks.

Now - - I will fill out that paper work and have another cold brewskie

Thanks Men,
Mac Dearman

Bullit wrote:

> Paul
> Please don't take this wrong, but some of the delay in sending out P15

> support teams is because I no longer have a handle on how much support

> MAC Dearman now needs because of all those people taking the inititive

> to go there on their own.
> I have asked Mac and others close to him to please complete the P15 
> form about shelter locations needing assistance. Other than a few 
> comments passing around on different lists, we still do not have a 
> clear picture of what Mac needs and what he has too much of.
> <stumpted grin> You guys are sure making it harder for me to get the 
> help deployed.
> Good luck and I hope you can provide meaning support to those in need.

> If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.
> Michael
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Paul Smith <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     *Sent:* Monday, September 05, 2005 5:58 PM
>     *Subject:* [Emergency-Relief] Community wireless networking
>     advance team about to leave Chicago
>     Hi everyone,
>     I just wanted to let folks know I'll be hitting the road in a
>     minivan with my colleague Rogers Wilson from Chicago heading for
>     Mac Dearman's farm in northern Louisiana later this evening. We
>     will push through the night and try to arrive sometime tomorrow
>     morning. We'll immediately start giving Mac a hand with his
>     efforts, and I'll be also assessing the situation in the area and
>     helping to receive more CWN volunteers. So if you are a CWN
>     volunteer and are looking for a place to go, Mac's farm is it, and
>     we'll be on the ground there soon.
>     Give me a call on my mobile (773) 934-4607, there may be patchy
>     areas as we're driving where we're out of touch, but then
>     definitely check in again tomorrow after noon.
>     -Paul
>     -- 
>     Paul Smith
>     Center for Neighborhood Technology
>     Technology Director, Wireless Community Networks
>     Chicago IL, USA 

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