Hey guys,

I'm very new to the WISP industry and I've been curious to know how people
are designing their WISP networks.

Are you creating VLAN's for each connection point? So your backhauls are
all in one VLAN, while all AP to client connections are in another VLAN?

I had been thinking about how the above VLAN based design would be, in
terms of security, and I realized that if all CPE's were in one VLAN
together, wouldn't they be able to cross communicate? So an AP with 30
clients operating in VLANX, would essentially be able to communicate to
each other, bring security as a major issue. I was thinking that you'd be
able to do VLAN's for each customer, but doing a PTMP setup for residential
purposes, I feel like the system would be quite bogged down with that
amount of vlans?

How are you authenticating and issuing IP's to clients? Are you doing PPPOE
or DHCP? Is everything just in routed tables?

What sort of hardware are you using for your network design and management?

Kind Regards,
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