
The content rights owners are strong - and a PITA.
There business model revolves around record once, sell thousands of times to the same consumer.
That model of course is broken - and Gen Y disregards it.
If the RIAA and the MPAA keep pushing, a group may get together and sue.
Like tobacco, the first time they lose a copyright fight will be the last.

The cable companies think that it will be cheaper; more consumer friendly; and more advertiser friendly to have a Network DVR ... where TV watching becomes totlly on-demand.

Cablevision based in NYC is the MSO that lost the copyright court battle. (,1895,2107528,00.asp)

AT&T's HomeZone uses PRISMIQ ( for On-Demand, but mainly for movies and internet content, not TV content.


Peter @ RAD-INFO

Sam Tetherow wrote:

That agrees with most of the anecdotal information that I have on it, which is why I am very interested if Peter has information on someone doing it or, if like the rest of the world outside the digital rights holders, he see the immense value of being able to do so for your customer base.

Sam Tetherow
Sandhills Wireless

David Hughes wrote:

One of the major cable systems just lost that fight. The studios and
networks filed suit and won on the issue of copyright infringmement.


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