Hi Folks,
    Having just returned last night from the recovery efforts I got a chance to look at Anthony's www.rfi-llc.com web site. He is a world class photographer and was along with us down there. He has a mobile GIS lab and came along to see what he could do to assist. He ran in to his home state SAR (RI) team, they realized what he could do for them and was immediately pulled in to a second job while there. Serving two groups keeps him working night and day. He remains there now (pulled back to Pensacola for now) to further assist. He has a great blog that shows just a small part of the work everyone is doing there http://www.rapid-fire.us/index.php?curr_month=9&curr_year=2005&showimage=12, he has only scratched the surface with his photos, as Scriv has mentioned it is a life altering experience seeing this.

Thank You,
Brian Webster
Free World Dialup #481416
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