On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Mark Koskenmaki wrote:

>I would like to express my gratitude and admiration of the amazing
>generosity and helpfulness of Trango Broadband, for thier support
>and help in providing desperately needed communications gear to the
>most devasted areas in the gulf coast.

I, too, would like to make this public declaration.  Trango was very
quick to respond, and unlike some other large vendors, sent their
very best directly to those that were deploying.

Additionally, I would like to point out a couple of WISPs in
particular that have gone above and beyond the call of duty.  Mac
Dearman, as most of you know, spent a ton of his own personal money
in deploying IP phones as well as computer equipment to the shelters
in his own local area.  I don't have an exact count, but from what I
have heard he has connected around 15 shelters to his network.  This
may not sound like a lot, but he is providing bandwidth for in
excess of 30 computers and more than 20 phones that he is not
billing for.  CPE + bandwidth for computers that are used a LOT.
Kudos to Mac, as well as some 20 other people who went down there to
assist with this deployment.

Also, I know that JohnnyO has (maybe still is) housing 20+ evacuees
in a portion of his office.  He is (I think tomorrow) going to
assist another WISP in reconnecting his network to the internet so
that communications needs in that area can be fulfilled (I know Rick
Smith is there assisting with this, but not sure who else).

There are many others out there doing the same things with nobody
even knowing their name.  To these truly "unsung heros", I say
"thanks to you, too".

Butch Evans
BPS Networks  http://www.bpsnetworks.com/
Bernie, MO
Mikrotik Certified Consultant

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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