My thoughts (not speaking for my employer) are right along the same lines. The 
analytics are nice, but if they’re of interest to departments or colleges, the 
same data can likely be gleaned from the university’s own records. On the other 
hand, in public venues (sports arenas, outreach events, college expos, campus 
tours) it might still be worthwhile.

Toivo Voll
Network Engineer
Information Technology Communications
University of South Florida

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 2:59 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Social media "credentials" for guest access?

Hello to the Group-

Among WLAN vendors and portal provider, the usage of social media login as an 
acceptable guest network sign-in mechanism is getting more common. I get the 
appeal for retail/hospitality WLANs that ultimately will Target marketing at 
you based on these credentials, but I’m not digging it myself for use in higher 
ed because of the “anyone can come up with a BS social media sign-in” factor. 
At the same time, to dismiss any system that uses social media means narrowing 
down your choices for guest access when you’re shopping, and so I wonder…

Are any schools using guest access that is based on social media login? How’s 
it working out for you, and have you ever regretted the choice?


Lee Badman

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