
Go to google and search for .taf and you will find a bunch of them.
I know someone has a list on a web site somewhere.  You might also take a
look at wiTango.com.

All of my best ones you need passwords to get into.
Some of my quick throw togethers are:

www.eapintl.com, but you need a pw to see the good Tango stuff.  Sorry.

I have another one that is under development that is really cool with
multiple languages and really good graphics.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Stein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 6:14 AM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Witango Who?

I need a list and or some examples of where Witango applications are
deployed especially in some larger or corporate settings and also in Higher

This is for a large proposal where I am going up against .Net people who say
Witango who?

Needed ASAP. I was hoping to see stuff like this on the new site.
Dan Stein
Digital Software Solutions
799 Evergreen Circle
Telford PA 18969
Land: 215-799-0192
Cell: 610-256-2843
Fax 413-410-9682
FMP, WiTango, EDI,SQL 2000

    "When you are born, you cry and those who love you rejoice.  And if you
live your life as you should, when you die, you rejoice and those who
love you cry."

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