Hey All!
Just got a shiny new powerbook, and I'm having problems with the studio.
I had 5.5 on, but then decided to install 5.0, so I deleted all the
WiTango 5.5 files and installed the 5.0 package. Except now, when I
try to run the studio, I get the WiTango logo box coming up, and then
it dumps
You don't want 1,000,000 rows being returned to resultset. You can use custom sql to create an 'export' table with as many columns as is required, plus an export_status column. Use a second query to fill the table with the required data. Within a transaction block, retrieve 1 records, ma
I need to write a witango app to export a data set of unknown size and width. I'm
expecting that the export might be 100,000 to 1,000,000 rows and 20 to 40 columns.
The client wants an online application to use to request the data and then have the
resulting .csv file download to his/her compu
In 065 er 063 or something like that, a limit was placed.
Reasoning... opening an infinite number of files from within Witango
would kill it, and possibly the OS.
The limit is 20. The limit is imposed PER ACTION. Therefore, if you have
more than 20 includes to load for some reason, just spre
OK - further testing - the limit seems to be 20 (just did a simple loop
test). Not that I think 20 includes should be necessary, but I'm just
working with existing client code at the moment converting to v5.
On Aug 18, 2004, at 10:29 AM, Jason Pamental wrote:
Hey all-
Anyone come across a limi
Hey all-
Anyone come across a limit in the number of '@include'-ed files before?
This just came up as something that worked fine in T2K but generates an
error in W5 (the limit seems to be 12). I don't see anything in the
docs about a limit.
Come on, Jon. Tell us the handshake! We need to know!!!
- Original Message -
From: "Jon van der Raadt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: What the hell is the problem?
> Wayne,
> Feel free to contact me off
Feel free to contact me off-list and I will help.
On Aug 18, 2004, at 2:08 AM, Wayne Irvine wrote:
I'm at my wits end here.
I've been fighting with recalcitrant unix for months now and I just
get it. Not only that but it seems it's some sort of secret nerd club
you have to
Wayne Irvine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> So now I'm trying to go back to 5.0X but the startup scripts have to be
> changed back. I edit them and then can't save them (I assume it's a
> permission thing). So I save to the desktop, change permissions, force copy
> them to the correct folder and no