Q1.Can we run Tango on one server and Database Server on another? If yes 
how do I make the tango to talk to the database that is running on the 
other machine?

A1 : You can operate Tango and Oracle seperate using ODBC or OCI.
For that, you must install Oracle Client to Tango machine. And then 
configure the oracle connection using ORA*NET.

Q2. Can we run more than one tango daemon on a same server? Will that 
improve my performance? How do we configure for the balancing? 
A2. muti-tango daemon increase performance and stability of your tango 
applications. you can configure load-balancing with client.ini and 
server.ini both. 
Tango has webserver api which send request to tango daemon. For that, you 
must configure client.ini file to which tango daemon listening. And also 
configure server.ini for accept request from client.ini. 

In client.ini file, you can find the stanza of server name, ip and port. 
Configure method will described in Tango Administrator manual.
In server.ini file, you must specify the client' ip and port for accept 
the request.

Q3. How can we have tango app server load balanced when it is installed in
more than one server? how does it talks to the database located in a diff.
machine (same as first question)? Do I have to use the database config 
files to achieve this, for example ora files for oracle?

A3. As described in A2, you can install tango daemons for same machine or 
other machine. The important thing is understand how tango daemon listen 
and response. Client request dosn't access tango daemon directly. 
Client request always though Web server and tango' webserver api. 
tango' webserver api(dll or cgi) will lookup the client.ini file for how 
many tango daemon exist and where they are(ip and port).
After that, it forwarding client' request to tango deamon(ip and port) 
sequently - if client already has tango' session id, then it's request 
will connect last tango' daemon. Therefore, web client has session!

All machine host tango daemon must configure database. i.e., You must 
install Oracle Client to each tango server.

Figure out Web server and Tango server can be seperate!
In Web server, you don't have to install tango server!
Web server will be enough to webserver api(ISAPI or NSAPI) and client.ini 
First, web server listen the client request and if it's mime is taf, then 
forward tango' ISAPI or NSAPI. Second, tango' web api forward request to 
tango daemon sequently as described in client.ini file.
At last, Tango daemon(same machine or not) will be accept the tango' web 
api if there configure file(server.ini) has there ip. - Generally, in 
development environment, the web server, tango' web api and tango daemon 
locate same machine. Therefore, in the server.ini "VALIDHOST" is
If you want to seperate web server( and 4 tango daemon 
installed with 2 machine as following:,192,168.100.1:7001,,

You must configure tango webserver api' configure file to these 
environment and then configure each tango server' ini file to accept the 
request by VALIDHOST=,
If you have 2 web server for web server' load balancing then add another 
web server' ip into each server' ini of VALIDHOST

Note: 2 machine( and must install Oracle 
Client and configure Ora*NET for OCI connection(ODBC also)!

Try and enjoying Witango.....


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