Title: Message
Yes, we are using MS SQL.
I understand the why there is the prefix dbo and we only connect as "sa".  But sometimes when  I open up a search action that had columns with the prefixes, the prefixes disappear and then I have to edit the column references in the Result Action.  It also happens the other way, where there weren't any prefixes on the column names and now there are, where the Result Action needs to be edited.  It seems to depend upon which workstation created the Search Action whether there are prefixes or not.  What would cause the prefix not to appear?
-----Original Message-----
From: Bengt Bredin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:34 AM
Subject: SV: Witango-Talk: sql server column reference

Hey Ted !


You talk of course about MS SQL ?
The dbo.
Prefix comes from the owner or creator of the table. If you have connect to the SQL server as the user 'sa' and there creates a table it will get the prefix dbo.
If you connect as 'Ted' and have privileges to create tables in a database they will get the prefix ted. So you can in fact have two tables with the same name but with different prefix, dbo.table1 and ted.table1.

I always create tables as a 'sa' and then creates users with rights to the database and tables. That way the tables always have the prefix dbo.

Hope it clear things up ?


/Best regards

Bengt Bredin
LabIT Solutions AB
Fagerstagatan 18 A
163 94 Stockholm
Tel : +46 8 621 36 32, Fax : +46 8 621 36 38, Mobile : +46 708 213 971

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Ted Wolfley [mailto:ted@ogdengroup.com]
Skickat: den 14 april 2004 17:33
Witango-Talk: sql server column reference




Just wondering if anyone knew why sometimes the column references in search actions have the dbo. prefix and other times the columns references don't.


Ted Wolfley
Database/Internet Programmer
The Ogden Group of Rochester
phone: (585) 321 1060 x23
fax: (585) 321 0043



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