An example that will work on all the unix platform - OS X, Linux and Solaris
- is attached.
Make sure that:
1 the file has execute permissions
2 the file is saved as a unix text file
3 the user that owns the witango process has read/execute access to the
On 27/
> The program "/bin/ls /Library/WebServer/Documents" does not exist, or
> is not readable.
Or maybe use some sort of encoding or <@CHAR> tag to send the space.
Wayne Irvine
Byte Services Pty Ltd
> The program "/bin/ls /Library/WebServer/Documents" does not exist, or
> is not readable.
Looks like it's seeing the space as a part of the path rather than as a
separator followed by an argument. Can you pass the argument separately, or
set it as the default path before calling the app.
Just wanted to get the listing of a directory into my resultset via
/bin/ls /Library/WebServer/Documents
which works in Terminal, but when using it as an external action in
Witango, iget
Position: GetDir
Class: External
Main Error Number: 0
The program "/bin/ls /Library/WebServer/Document