On Friday 24th Sept (in Australia), between 10am and 5pm AEST (Thursday 5pm
and 12am PST) we will be doing some network maintenance and upgrades.

During this upgrade window there will be times where our web, witango-talk
and email will be unavailable.  This is part of the upgrade.  These services
will return and be accessible shortly thereafter.

If you do have an emergency (an unforeseen combination of circumstances or
the resulting state that calls for immediate action) we will still be able
to be contacted on that antiquated technology called the telephone.

Phone:  +61 2 9460 0500
Fax  :  +61 2 9460 0502

Do not panic or be alarmed we are only upgrading our network infrastructure.
A few hours without witango-talk will do you good.  ;)



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