I'm confused about how the path is set for application execution. I assume an 'application' is a collection of witango executables contained within a directory marked by <@APPPATH>. But I seem to have trouble getting anything other than the first stanza in applications.ini to be recognized.

Am I reading this wrong? My testing seems to indicate that Witango extracts the path relative to the web root directory, and determines the application from this sub-path, rather than the full-path.

I would like to have two witango applications defined in applications.ini, presumably set up as




Then my web sites would be configured as virtual hosts. Below shows three domains, two using app1, and one using app2. Is this possible?

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName app1.mydomain.com
        DocumentRoot /path/to/app1
<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName app1.yourdomain.com
        DocumentRoot /path/to/app1
<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName app2.mydomain.com
        DocumentRoot /path/to/app2

So to test this out, I have a little taf that just displays:
Applicationswitch: @@system$applicationswitch
<br />Appname: <@APPNAME>
<br />AppPath: <@APPPATH>
<br />@@application$dedfaulterrorfile

When I execute this, I get back:

Applicationswitch: on
Appname: Default
AppPath: /

It looks like ,
But some questions.
1. How does witango extract the path to determine it's executing app1 or app2. <

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