Hi Everyone,

I'm a newbie here, so thank you all in advance for your patience and 
understanding.  I'm investigating whether or not I want to use WiX to build my 
setup/deployment project for my application.  I have read through the tutorial 
and explored the WiX sourceforge site already, but now I'd like to hear from 
practitioners some advice.  Here is what I'm trying to do:

In a single MSI file (or, in a single easy step for my end users)...

1) Install pre-requisites for my application (if they don't exist)
  - .NET 3.5 framework
  - Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008

2) Install my main application primary output
  - .EXE file
  - .DLL file
  - A couple other folders with misc. files

3) Programmatically setup my database
  - Figure out what the SQL instance name is
  - Create new SQL Databases
  - Create new SQL Stored Procedures
  - Create new SQL user w/appropriate access

4) Write new registry values
  - Write SQL instance name from Step 3
  - Write SQL user name and encrypted password from Step 3

My biggest question is whether or not I should embark on this adventure with 
WiX.  I have two main options:

1) I could simply state my application pre-requisites are .NET framework 3.5 
and SQL Server Express 2008.  If I just stated those were my pre-requisites, I 
wouldn't have to worry about installing them.  I could check to see if they 
exist and display an error if they don't.

With this option, I could also simply ask for the SQL Server instance name, the 
user account, and the password when my application loads for the first time.  I 
would leave it into the hands of the user to make sure SQL Server was 
installed.  I don't particularly like this option because it makes it harder on 
my end user.

2) I could try to figure all this out with WiX.  Or some other technology for 
that matter.  My biggest concern here is how to take control of the setup 
program and specify my database name, user account, and password.  I need to 
know what the credentials are so I can run my database table and stored 
procedure creation scripts.

So if I go this option, I don't know if I need to know the SQL Server SA 
password so I can then create my SQL User, tables, and stored procedures.  And 
if I do, how do I figure that out?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

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