I am trying to set the identity of a com+ element in WiX. Allow me to
elaborate: after the com+ dll's have been installed and I go to (in
windows XP) control panel, administrative tools, component services I
open up the component services tab and under computer my com+
application is installed. However, when I open up the properties of my
com+ application and go to the identity tab i find it is set on
Interactive user under System account. How can I alter my code in wix so
that this is rather set on Network Service?


So basically I want something like :         <Component Id=""....>     

<pca:ComPlusApplication Id=""..... Identity ="Interactive User">




But instead of setting Identity to "Interactive User" how can I change
this to give me "Network Service" instead. I have tried just subb'ing
"Network Service" - this just writes "Network Service" in the username
path of the "This User" radio checkbox.


Could anyone please help me?



Jano du Toit

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