I'm trying to convert an existing InstallShield installer + user-run
Batch file to a single WiX installer.

I've basically taken SharpDevelop's WiX integration tool, and added a
bunch of files, and a service to the default project.
The service part that I added is straight out of the tutorial here:
http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/lesson6.php#6.4, but I end up with the
error in the subject line when I go to install it.  Can anyone provide
any insight?  I am an Administrator on an XP SP2 machine.  I've not
written any registry keys or done anything else.

<Directory Id="SystemFilesFolder" Name="Service">
  <Component Id='ServiceExeComponent'
  SharedDllRefCount='no' KeyPath='no' NeverOverwrite='no'
  Permanent='no' Win64='no' Location="either">

  <File Id='ServiceExeFile'
  Name="FOOBA_1.EXE" LongName='FoobarService.exe' DiskId="1"
  ReadOnly='no' Vital='yes' Hidden='no' System='no' Checksum='no' />

  <ServiceInstall Id='MyServiceInstall' DisplayName='Foobar'
  Description="This is a test!" Interactive="no" ErrorControl="critical"
  Start='auto' Type="ownProcess" Vital='yes' />
  <ServiceControl Id='MyServiceControl' Name='MyServiceExeName'
  Start='install' Stop='uninstall' Remove='uninstall' />

Here is the batch file that we used to install the service -- which
works like a charm:

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