Hi everyone.

I'm starting to use WiX, because we're changing our deployment solution to
a MSI-based one.
So, I'm starting to recreate our previouses packages.

The first i tryed to make has to deploy files (exe) and to create shortcuts
on file that are already somewhere on network shares, in

Here is my wxs file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
  <Product Id="c77148d4-0e53-4f49-a282-6a743ed4a6dc" Name="
TestDossierTravail" Language="1036" Version="" Manufacturer="Urssaf
de Lyon" UpgradeCode="7802d12b-1431-4121-a658-7ce26a9b0f75">
    <Package InstallerVersion="300" Compressed="yes" />
    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="TestDossierTravail.cab" EmbedCab="yes" />
    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="TravailFolder" Name=".">
        <Component Id="componentGlobalShortcuts" Guid="
A9856B1C-D2FD-47c6-9334-2393FB19BDDF" >
          <Shortcut Id="Myshortcut" Name="Shortcut" WorkingDirectory="
ProgramPath" Target="[ProgramPath]" Directory ="TravailFolder"/>
          <File Id="RelanceImpressions" Source="
\\server\share\folder\anotherexe.exe" />

    <Property Id="ProgramPath" Value="X:\Folder\Prog" />
    <Property Id="TravailFolder" Value="C:\Documents and settings\All
Users\Bureau\Travail\" />
    <Feature Id="featureBasicInscall" Title="Basique" Level="1">
      <ComponentRef Id="componentGlobalShortcuts" />


When I install this, the file anotherexe.exe is copied into the
C:\Documents and settings\All Users\Bureau\Travail\ folder (what is OK).
But my shortcut is created into  C:\Documents and
settings\<username>\Bureau\Travail\ and not in the All Users\Bureau folder

I don't understand why, so if anyone has an answer, it would be welcomed !

Thanks for your help


(PS: Sorry for my english, I'm French ;)
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