Re: [WiX-users] Custom bootstrapper and Server 2008 R2

2013-04-26 Thread ddsoft
Looks like I figured it out. It is not really apparent to a newbie on WiX though so hopefully it saves someone else pain. In the BootstrapperCore.config you have: Remove the v2 runtime line and the Bootstrapper will install v4 before moving on. Hope this helps someone -

Re: [WiX-users] Custom bootstrapper and Server 2008 R2

2013-04-26 Thread ddsoft
That is not clear to me how to do. It appears the BA tries to load my assembly first no? How do I get it to install v4 before loading me? The salient parts of the Bundle.wxs are below"; Copyright="Copyright© 2013, Living PlanIT SA" IconSourceFile="UI\Setup.