We have an MSM that we want to directly access a exe from the users local
machine.  We do not have this executable, we just know that it exists...

I get the following error: 
DEBUG: Error 2721:  Custom action
RegisterRT.BD458878-67F6-4de3-AD17-C9262F1712F2 not found in Binary table

I have seen a few post such as IgnoreModul* element but that was not
recommended and it is deprecated in version 3 and I am not sure where
exactly it would be placed.

What is the best way to do this? Am I using the wrong element?  Is this not

Here are the simplifed MSM and MSI wxs files...

This is what I have in the MSM:

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi";>
  <Module Id="RealTime" Guid="BD458878-67F6-4de3-AD17-C9262F1712F2"
    <Package Id="?" Description="My description" InstallerVersion="200"
Platforms="Intel" Compressed="yes" />
    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="MergeDir">
        <Component Id="RTA" Guid="fadfad">
          <!-- RT components -->
          <File src="bin\RTA.dll" LongName="RRTTAA.dll" Id="RTAID"
Name="RT.dll" Vital="yes" />
    <CustomAction Id="RegisterRT" ExeCommand="[SourceDir]MyLocalExecutable"
Return="check" />
    <CustomAction Id="RegisterCAT" ExeCommand="[SourceDir]MyLocalExecutable"
Return="check" />
    <CustomAction Id="UnRegisterRT"
ExeCommand="[SourceDir]MyLocalExecutable" Return="check" />
    <CustomAction Id="UnRegisterCAT"
ExeCommand="[SourceDir]MyLocalExecutable" Return="check" />
      <Custom Action="RegisterRT" After="InstallFinalize">NOT (REMOVE=
"ALL") </Custom>
      <Custom Action="RegisterCAT" After="InstallFinalize">NOT (REMOVE=
"ALL") </Custom>
      <Custom Action="UnRegisterRT" After="InstallFinalize">Installed AND
(REMOVE= "ALL")</Custom>
      <Custom Action="UnRegisterCAT" After="InstallFinalize">Installed AND
(REMOVE= "ALL")</Custom>

And the MSI File is as such:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi";>
  <Product Id="FBBF412A-634E-40d8-8D35-4D18E4BB676C" Name="Test MSI"
Language="1033" Manufacturer="MyCompany">
    <Package Id="????????-????-????-????-????????????"
InstallerVersion="200" Platforms="Intel" Compressed="yes" />
    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="Visualization.cab" EmbedCab="yes" />
    <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="EXTEND" Name="Extnd" LongName="Extend">
        <Directory Id="PLUGT" Name="Plugin" LongName="Plug">
          <Directory Id="RT" Name="RTA" LongName="RRTTAA">
            <Merge Id="RealTime.BD458878-67F6-4de3-AD17-C9262F1712F2"
Language="1033" src="RTA.msm" DiskId="1" />
    <Feature Id="RT" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand" Level="1"
      <MergeRef Id="RTA.BD458878-67F6-4de3-AD17-C9262F1712F2" />

Any help is appreciated.
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