        This is expected behaviour, I have added a registry key with an
keypath="yes" in components like this to assuage the ICE gods.

Some people also put a <CreateFolder/> element in the component instead
but I like to be very explicit on what my keypaths are.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pally Sandher [mailto:pally.sand...@iesve.com] 
Sent: 31 March 2010 11:06
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Bug with components which contain only

Posting this in case anyone else runs into this & because I'm not sure
if this is a bug or expected behaviour.

I'm updating a plug-in installer to work with a new product which will
be imminently released. After (at least) 4 years of complaining the
developers of said product have caved in & finally moved from using a
.ini file installed alongside their product (under ProgramFilesFolder
which is lots of fun on UAC enabled systems) to supporting .addin files
under CommonAppDataFolder.

I have 3 new components, one places the .addin file (.addin files are
simple XML) in the right place, the other 2 modify a path within it
using XMLConfig.

The components look very much like the following:

    <DirectoryRef Id="_2011">
      <Component Id="_2011Addin" DiskId="1" Guid="A-GUID">
        <File Id="IESVE.addin" Source="..\..\..\bin_release\IESVE.addin"
      <Component Id="SetAddinPathx86" DiskId="1" Guid="ANOTHER-GUID">
        <util:XmlConfig Id="SetIESVEaddinPathx86" File="[#IESVE.addin]"
Action="create" On="install" ElementPath="/RevitAddIns/AddIn/Assembly"
Node="value" Value="[IESToolbar]" />
      <Component Id="SetAddinPathx64" DiskId="1"
        <util:XmlConfig Id="SetIESVEaddinPathx64" File="[#IESVE.addin]"
Action="create" On="install" ElementPath="/RevitAddIns/AddIn/Assembly"
Node="value" Value="[IESToolbar_x64]" />

When I build this I get 2 errors from ICE18, one for each of the
components containing XMLConfig Elements.

error LGHT0204: ICE18: KeyPath for Component: 'SetAddinPathx86' is
Directory: '_2011'. The Directory/Component pair must be listed in the
CreateFolders table.
error LGHT0204: ICE18: KeyPath for Component: 'SetAddinPathx64' is
Directory: '_2011'. The Directory/Component pair must be listed in the
CreateFolders table.

Looking at the MSI in InstEd! those 2 components do not have KeyPaths
set. I'm using WiX v3.0.5419.0 & I've also run the MSI through the ICE
tests using the darice.cub from the v7.0 Windows Platform SDK which
gives the same error (as expected). I can work around this simply by
adding a RegistryValue to each component & setting it as the KeyPath for
those components but does anyone know if this is expected behaviour or a
bug with these types of components? If it's a bug let me know & I'll
submit it to the tracker on SourceForge.


Palbinder Sandher
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F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

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