I've tried to install WiX 3.6 beta on VM with Server 2008 on it and
I've had a failure to install.

The VM also has SQL server 2008R2 on it which means it has that
partial Visual studio install that Management studio gives you but
otherwise it's fairly plain with .net 3.5SP1 and 4.0 installed.

The log file from %tmp% shows this:

0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:44]: Burn v3.6.2221.0, path:
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Wix36.exe, cmdline: '-burn.unelevated
{5B986E63-E41B-47FC-A80E-019B304F5BB0} 5312'
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:44]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleName' to value 'WiX Toolset v3.6.2221.0'
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:44]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleLog' to value
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Loading managed bootstrapper application.
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Detect 3 packages
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Setting string variable
'Netfx4x64FullVersion' to value '4.0.30319'
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Registry value not found. Key =
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0', Value = 'InstallDir'
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Setting string variable
'Netfx4FullVersion' to value '4.0.30319'
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Condition 'Netfx4FullVersion AND
(NOT VersionNT64 OR Netfx4x64FullVersion)' evaluates to true.
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Detected package: Netfx4Full, state:
Present, cached: No
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Detected package:
ProjectAggregator2, state: Absent, cached: No
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Detected package: Wix, state:
Absent, cached: No
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:45]: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Plan 3 packages, action: Install
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Planned package: Netfx4Full, state:
Present, default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute:
None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Condition 'VS2005InstallFolder'
evaluates to false.
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Planned package: ProjectAggregator2,
state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ux requested: Absent,
execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency:
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleLog_Wix' to value
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleRollbackLog_Wix' to value
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Planned package: Wix, state: Absent,
default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute: Install,
rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Apply begin
[14C0:0890][2011-11-07T16:28:49]: Caching executable from:
'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Wix36.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package
[14C0:0890][2011-11-07T16:28:50]: Registering bundle dependency key:
{afd874f6-129a-4fc6-9646-284d80072674}, version 3.6.2221.0
[0DA4:0E2C][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Error 0x80004005: Failed to extract
all files from container.
[0DA4:1188][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Error 0x80004005: Faild to begin and
wait for operation.
[0DA4:1188][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Error 0x80004005: Failed to extract
payload: a2 from container: WixAttachedContainer
[0DA4:1188][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Failed to extract payloads from
container: WixAttachedContainer to working path: (null), error:
[0DA4:1188][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Error 0x80004005: Failed to cache packages.
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Error 0x80004005: Failed while
waiting for cache thread to complete before executing.
[14C0:0890][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Removing bundle dependency key:
[14C0:0890][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Removing cached bundle:
{afd874f6-129a-4fc6-9646-284d80072674}, from path:
C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{afd874f6-129a-4fc6-9646-284d80072674}\
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:51]: Apply complete, result: 0x80004005 restart: No
[0DA4:0E10][2011-11-07T16:28:54]: Shutting down, exit code: 0x0

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