[WiX-users] How to change xml element value?

2013-03-08 Thread yogesh bandiwadekar
Hi All dev I just need to understand how can i use xmlconfig to validate xml element values add the same if not found. for example users userABC/user userXYZ//user /users how do i add one more element user check BDC user is there or not. if not it should add userBDC/user Please reply ASAP.

Re: [WiX-users] How to change xml element value?

2013-03-08 Thread Nick Ramirez
Not sure yet how to check if the value is already written in the file. But to write it, you could use something like: ComponentGroup Id=ProductComponents Directory=INSTALLFOLDER Component Id=CMP_MyFileXML Guid={05AB616A-AD9E-468B-AE86-477759234CA0} File Source=MyFile.xml KeyPath=yes