I am searching for Notepad in 2 locations like this:

    <Property Id='NOTEPADEXE'>
      <DirectorySearch Id='NotePadContainer' Path='[WindowsFolder]'
        <FileSearch Id='NotepadFileWin' Name='notepad.exe'/>
      <DirectorySearch  Id='NotePadContainer' Path='[SystemFolder]'
        <FileSearch Id='NotepadFileSys' Name='notepad.exe'/>

On most systems Notepad is in both locations so property is initialized
to the location of the last find,
As shown here in MSI log:

AppSearch: Property: NOTEPADEXE, Signature: NotepadFileWin
MSI (c) (E0:58) [11:27:24:164]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NOTEPADEXE
property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\notepad.exe'.

AppSearch: Property: NOTEPADEXE, Signature: NotepadFileSys
MSI (c) (E0:58) [11:27:24:165]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying NOTEPADEXE
property. Its current value is 'C:\Windows\notepad.exe'. Its new value:
Action ended 11:27:24: AppSearch. Return value 1.

Questions: can I and how can I avoid searching another location if
program was already found in one location?
If file was found in the first location but not in the second, would it
cause the property to be unset?

Thanks for any input!

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