Re: [WiX-users] Votive: What is purpose of ProductVerstion in wixproj

2014-12-18 Thread Phill Hogland
Also SchenaVersion gets set to 2.0. I've always wondered if it should be 3.0, but I am not sure what this is used for either. 2.0 -- View this message in context:

[WiX-users] Votive: What is purpose of ProductVerstion in wixproj

2014-12-18 Thread Phill Hogland
When using Votive to create a setup project, the wixproj file includes the line: 3.9 The wxs indicates that the Product/@Version is Version="", which I always edit to implement auto-incremented verssioning system. But since I started creating projects using Wix 3.7, I still have many proje