 wmcp/wmcp.c | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/wmcp/wmcp.c b/wmcp/wmcp.c
index 2d30e83..5f659e8 100644
--- a/wmcp/wmcp.c
+++ b/wmcp/wmcp.c
@@ -806,38 +806,38 @@ int flush_expose(Window w) {
 void show_usage()
-This software is GPL -- do as you wish with it.
-Origional Author:
-   Ben Cohen <bud...@aztec.asu.edu>
-   Thomas Nemeth <tnem...@multimania.com>
-   Craig Maloney <cr...@ic.net>
-   Gert Beumer <g...@scintilla.utwente.nl>
-usage: wmcp [-g geometry] [-d dpy] [-n workspaces] [-a alt key] [-v]
-            [-c] [-w i/n/w] [-s y/n] [-x #] [-y #] [-h]
--g    geometry:    ie: 64x64+10+10
--d    dpy:         Display. ie:
--n    workspaces:  How many buttons to start with.
--a    alt key:     integer 1-4 defining ModXMask (default 1 Mod1Mask).
--w    i/n/w:       Window State: Iconic, Normal, Withdrawn (default Withdrawn)
--s    y/n:         Shaped window: yes or no (default y)
--c                 Sends CTRL + ALT + Key (default only sends ALT + key)
--v                 Verbose. 0=off, 1=on (default 0)
--x                 Number of buttons on the x-direction (1,2,3, or 4)
--y                 Number of buttons in the y-direction (1,2,3, or 4)
--h                 Help. This screen.
+This software is GPL -- do as you wish with it.\n\
+Origional Author:\n\
+   Ben Cohen <bud...@aztec.asu.edu>\n\
+   Thomas Nemeth <tnem...@multimania.com>\n\
+   Craig Maloney <cr...@ic.net>\n\
+   Gert Beumer <g...@scintilla.utwente.nl>\n\
+usage: wmcp [-g geometry] [-d dpy] [-n workspaces] [-a alt key] [-v]\n\
+            [-c] [-w i/n/w] [-s y/n] [-x #] [-y #] [-h]\n\
+-g    geometry:    ie: 64x64+10+10\n\
+-d    dpy:         Display. ie:\n\
+-n    workspaces:  How many buttons to start with.\n\
+-a    alt key:     integer 1-4 defining ModXMask (default 1 Mod1Mask).\n\
+-w    i/n/w:       Window State: Iconic, Normal, Withdrawn (default 
+-s    y/n:         Shaped window: yes or no (default y)\n\
+-c                 Sends CTRL + ALT + Key (default only sends ALT + key)\n\
+-v                 Verbose. 0=off, 1=on (default 0)\n\
+-x                 Number of buttons on the x-direction (1,2,3, or 4)\n\
+-y                 Number of buttons in the y-direction (1,2,3, or 4)\n\
+-h                 Help. This screen.\n\

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