Hello Carlos and people from the list,

I'd to share a list of features I think it "may" be useful to have implemented in wmaker-crm if you and the rest agree.

Most of these are configuration settings that "I think" most of us have turned on by default and because of that I consider that it would be useful to have them turned on by default.

I'd like to clarify that this is based on my personal experience and I could be wrong in every case, so here I go:

*) Bug: Set the proper WPrefs PATH on WMRootMenu when installing WindowMaker.

*) Feature: Allow to start with NumLock turned on.

*) Default setting: Do not cover dock/icons/both enabled by default.

*) Feature: Ctrl+Mod+Wheel resize horizontally.

*) Feature; Remove always open submenus inside the screen. (Does anyone use that option?)

*) Default setting: Auto-arrange icons enabled by default.

*) Default setting; Raise windows when switching focus with keyboard enabled by default.

*) Feature: Do not add non existing directories to the list of Icon and Pixmap search PATHs.

*) Default setting: Switch workspaces while dragging windows enabled by default.

*) Default setting: Remove scroll bar option (-sb) from xterm in default WMRootMenu.

*) Feature: Default Mod key (see below) + r open "Run" dialog.

*) Default setting: WMRootMenu: Group WindowMaker stuff:
 - Info/*
 - Workspaces
 - Commands
 - Appareance
 - Selection (remove completely?)
 - Session (excepting Exit)

*) Feature: Ability to change the default Mod key at compile time or via WPrefs (Mod4 doesn't cause conflicts with the GTK/QT apps keyboard shortcuts).

*) Default setting: Mouse wheel default to Switch Workspaces.

I'd appreciate any comments and suggestions.


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