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NBC reportedly agrees to pay Conan $30M

Deal to vacate timeslot may be in finalization process, sources tell TheWrap

By Sharon Waxman


updated 6:25 p.m. CT, Fri., Jan. 15, 2010

NBC has its way out of the Conan Crisis.

The network has agreed to pay O'Brien $30 million to vacate the 11:35 p.m.
"Tonight Show," individuals involved in the negotiations have told TheWrap.

The deal, which may still be in the process of finalization, could be
announced as early as Friday.

Individuals in O'Brien's camp declined to comment.

NBCU President and CEO Jeff Zucker, NBCU Television Entertainment Chairman
Jeff Gaspin and Co-Chairman NBC Entertainment and NBC Televison Studio Marc
Graboff were involved in the final, all-night negotiations. The deal was
brokered by Universal COO Ron Meyer, who was brought in on Tuesday, after
talks had reached an impasse.

Key terms to the agreement were worked out between Meyer and Rick Rosen,
Conan's agent at WME.

The deal came following a battle between the two camps over whether
O'Brien's contract specifically guaranteed that "The Tonight Show" must air
at 11:35 p.m.

Guarantee or no?
As TheWrap previously reported, Team Conan was insisting that NBC has
breached O'Brien's contract because, it argued, the deal had a timeslot

NBC's response: No, there is no such guarantee of a specific timeslot for
"Tonight." So as long as we keep something called "The Tonight Show" on the
air, there is no breach.

If NBC had been in breach, it would have owed Conan around $40 million (and
as much as $50 million, according to some reports), as a penalty.

People close to NBC insisted the network would not yield on this point - it
wouldn''t admit it had breached O'Brien's deal.

Pay or play
One solution that had been on the table Friday, according to TheWrap's Josef
Adalian: Agreeing to disagree over the timeslot issue and instead settling
on a pay or play fee.

Under this proposal, the sooner O'Brien starts a new gig -- if he starts one
-- the less money it would have to pay. So if Conan managed to land a new
job at Fox within a year, the Peacock might shell out less than the full $30

It's unlear if that's how the two sides settled out.

As TheWrap first reported, NBC had also been looking to enforce some sort of
non-compete period in which Conan couldn't work for anyone else, period. The
parties had been looking at a time as early as September or as late as next
January for O'Brien to be free.

With talks entering the final stages, positioning over what led to this
crisis started heating up.

Team NBC started the assault by putting sports czar Dick Ebersol on the
phone with the New York Times, who tore into O'Brien in a Friday interview.
Then, Conan's camp made it clear Friday that it was "absolutely untrue" that
O'Brien's deal didn't have timeslot protection.

NBC responded by questioning the abilties of O'Brien's legal teams in the
same sort of language Ebersol had used to slam O'Brien's hosting skills.

"All the chatter is just his reps covering up for their massive f--- up," an
NBC insider said. "Leno had timeslot protection in his deal, Letterman has
it in his.

But Team Coco never negotiated for it."

O'Brien's lawyer, Leigh Brecheen at Bloom Hergott, could be quite
embarrassed if it turns out there was no timeslot guarantee.

But O'Brien's camp believes NBC was just trying to change the subject from
its own massive mishandling of the late-night mess.

In any case, that's now all for historians to figure out. The question now
is: What's next for O'Brien.

Fox has expressed interest in the host, but must first determine whether
it's worth the headaches that would come with having to get affiliates on

URL:  <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34886438/ns/entertainment-television/>


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