Yes, it works without a "execute before script" !
(Even if there is an eventlog "error" saying "Starting WPKG on shutdown")

I had as well a script running "execute before", which was just
updating the wpkg-settings. ("%PROGRAMFILES%\WPKG\wpkginst.exe"

After changing this to "execute after" the script doesn't start
anymore with an eventlog error "CreateProcess-> System can't find the
path..." Perhaps because the shutdown process has already disabled
network connections.
But I could live without "execute befor/after scripts" and update
wpkg-settings within a package or so.


Tomasz Chmielewski schrieb:
> I tested once again, and it works just fine. I just had a script in
> "execute before" which was exiting very fast with a non-zero exit code...
> Otherwise, it works fine on system shutdown on Windows 2000 SP4.
> Could you re-verify that it works for you?
> One note: when you make changes in wpkginst.exe (i.e. schedule on
> shutdown, before was on startup), the changes will be available when you
> restart the WPKG service (or machine).
> So if you made a change in wpkginst.exe it is proper behaviour that you
> didn't see it when you made a shutdown right after that.
> Perhaps a "notice" window should be shown to a user to make this clear.
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