I'm still expecting some clarification about this:
> From this email i've understood that the 'per-package' reboot flag are
> *overridden* by an per-return-value reboot flag.
> Eg, my reboot="postponed" have to override the per-package
> reboot="false" flag.
Someone can give me a clue?
thats what its labeled as in services.msc :)
Jennette, Steven J. wrote:
What does wpkg stand for? I am doing a presentation on how it works
and I can't find what it actually stands for. I assume windows packager.
What does wpkg stand for? I am doing a presentation on how it works and
I can't find what it actually stands for. I assume windows packager.
wpkg-users mailing list archives >> http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermai
> WPKG Client 1.3.4 has been released.
> If no problems are reported, WPKG Client 1.4.0 should follow soon with
> (almost) no changes.
Can you give an approx. (planned) date for the 1.4.0 release? My customers are
already waiting for all the new awesome features. ;)
> Still to do:
> * "