Because I start wpkg.js not only at startup, but also at logon and logoff,
I need to be able in hosts.xml to define profiles for users.

With my patched wpkg.js it is possible in hosts.xml to use:
-user name or its regular expression pattern:
   <host username="Einstein"  profile-id="profile" />

If you have user accounts organized in MS Active Directory or OpenLDAP
you can also use:
-domain organizational unit of users:
   <host userou=" staff" profile-id="profile" />

-domain group of users:
   <host usergroup="Domain Users" profile-id="profile" />

It's GREAT ADVANTAGE to use domain groups instead of individual user names.
I have 551 users=500 students,50 teachers,1 administrator(myself).
Instead of using 551 nodes in hosts.xml:
   <host username="someusername" profile-id="profile" />
   <host username="anotherusername" profile-id="profile" />
   <host username="lastusername" profile-id="profile" />

I can use only 4 nodes:
   <host usergroup="Domain Users" profile-id="profile"/>
   <host usergroup="Teachers" profile-id="profile"/>
   <host usergroup="Students" profile-id="profile"/>
   <host username="Administrator" profile-id="profile"/>

ANOTHER ADVANTAGE of using domain groups is in case of new user coming.
If new student come, I just in Active Directory add his user account
to "Students" domain group and WPKG profile is applied immediately.
I need not do any changes in hosts.xml!

With my patched wpkg.js you can also use in hosts.xml combinations of
For example, if you have classroom with net printer and need connect
teachers to printer during their logon in classroom, you can use:
   <host ou="Classroom" usergroup="Teachers" profile-id="ConnectPrinter"/>
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