Amazon News
Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by, the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian non-profit and public interest registered organization.

The news this week:

Judge who was threatened by log transporters is under police protection
Radiobrás - 03/14/2006

Protest heralds World Day against Dams
Radiobrás - 03/14/2006

Brazil's thirst for energy to flood Amazon habitats
REUTERS - 03/14/2006

Suspects name the same man as murderer of farmer in Amazonas
Radiobrás - 03/13/2006

Loggers threaten to burn forest
O Estado de S.Paulo - 03/13/2006

Action in resistance to hydroelectric plants on Madeira River to be held tomorrow - 03/13/2006

State of Rondônia could become a desert by 2016
O Estado de S.Paulo - 03/12/2006

Rancher tries to block penal action for preservation area
Gazeta de Cuiabá - 03/11/2006

Rancher is accused of crime in important preservation area
Gazeta de Cuiabá - 03/10/2006

Incident with crop dusting plane dumps poison on city in Mato Grosso - 03/10/2006

Research used fraudulent translation
Correio Braziliense - 03/09/2006

Delay in expansion of biological reserve in Rondônia - 03/09/2006

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"Amazon is not just a forest"

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