Why do I have things in my mind like certain frenchman
like amputee girls? Why not italians, or frenchwomen, or Phoenixians?
Why not the gentle folk of Alabama? Why not people everywhere?

Gentle love swims through all these lands and makes a house like a buboe
for "small drink."

Small drink told me something today:
"The body is the body, and the soul is the soul,
and when you can't stand it no more, you gots to go.."

an small drink didnt say:

"Empress beards they float so holy.."


"pleeeez, pleeeeeez, babeee lemonade..."

ugly is from ugga
beauty, bellus

what did the phoenixians say?

"Sanchoniathon, a Phoenician author, who if the fragments of his works that 
have reached us be genuine, and if such a
person ever existed, must be regarded as the most ancient writer of whom we 
have any knowledge after Moses. As to the
period when be flourished, all is uncertain. He is the author of three 
principal works, which were written in
Phoenician. They were translated into the Greek language by Herennius Philo, 
who lived in the second century A.D. It is
from this translation which we obtain all the fragments of Sanchoniathon that 
have reached our times. Philo had divided
his translation into nine books, of which Porphyry made use in his diatribe 
against the Christians. It is from the
fourth book of this lost work that Eusebius took, for an end directly opposite 
to this, the passages which have come
down to us. And thus we have those documents relating to the mythology and 
history of the Phoenicians from the fourth
Sanchoniathon makes mention of a history which he once wrote upon the worship 
of the serpent. The title of this work,
according to Eusebius, was Ethothion, or Ethothia.

old norse and late latin
are scabs
and thin
Captain Cook leaf mulch

but there's a sense
in a sense
that the same particles
can do different things

beauties and hadrons.

oh i don't know
they're all sites of production

did you hear about the lion vs 40 midget fight in cambodia?
20 midgets dead and the government got half the ticket price..


La Strada by Nino Rota

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