Okay, guys, here’s the deal. I’m in the process of putting the finishing touches on a 2-hour videotaping I did in 2005 of a lecture by the filmmaker Jean-Paul Gorin. Gorin was 1/2 of the Dziga Vertov team in the 1960s-70s that was formed by him and Jean-Luc Godard; – yes, THAT Jean-Luc Godard. Gorin’s lecture consists mainly of film theory discussion and personal anecdotes, and if anybody would like to view a DVD of this, let me know and I will mail you a copy. I am interested in getting critiques on how successfully the videotaping comes across, along with how well the inserts work and anything else you may wish to say. Since I am giving this away for free, if you wish me to go through the trouble of mailing you this, I must insist that you agree in turn to put in the time to watch ALL of it and send me back your comments. Like I said, the DVD is about 2 hours long, and is 90% finished, 10% unfinished. If you’d prefer to see the completed version, give me about a month, and expect to have something to trade for it: a video, a book of your poetry, etc.


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