Ore top loo soiler
pla SHING wa-
ter RUED ness

is hear know blemish

is hear now

here no

Be here, no
No in my soft eye
is I know what Ore
Is top loose? You decide, you deciduous indehiscent
indeflourishing indigestible indeflectable indeflore.

She said the top of her head came off?
Vulcan Hephaestian
Like a kookoo clock where the brain jumps out
a crystalline brain lens made from pink quartz
it jump into the beam of the darkened room
spattering beamlets in a thousand directions

amida foobar bromide calcula dracula boa tong
tooba 2 ba binky slippered up effigies gingko maidenhair brooha
hoohoo haha hairlipped Thi puarpure wombe childyng godson
intacte and cloos the moose tilled ivory galls solidago Red predecessors
of fruits were cloisters 'disease structures' Such bulbous growths
occur when plant tissue interacts with fungi and perhaps bacteria
It has been Kristevan in the sense that GAULs were the evil
lute-shuns airy preda cessings of 2 the fir st. F roots.


scattering beamlets
He says hell is a hollow mood
and you can give him that if you wish
but i wish every mood might be closer to hell's infernal
consternation like a horn or a hero suddenly grown
from a fuming mist a mist like a gel of skulls and the skulls
a gel of hummingbirds tonguing the genius of the air
on inviolable noda of crystalline brains
as if you could leave a suppurating embryo of perfume chimneys
as a wound hanging in the air a cartilaginous
silhouette of pipettes where non-linear histories propagate
like a mane of purple forked tongues on a hairless purple cat queen puppet
which hangs from the frozen arm of the pupa whose foggy blowholes
leak violin aspirants white crocus relatives parasitically hugging
inhuman empires of frailty leasing ourari cat burglar hands ito
a slip of glyphs denoting the method of intonation:

But that is a rather passive use. No open, localized subversion,
no wild dazibos.. It could be a cause for political groups, surrealist
groups, a formidable starting point for perversion. Why does that never happen?

Because you can't dictate what another sees as banal?
Because experiential trans-subjectivity is elusive.. Hence the PROGRAMME..

otherwise its just like a beam down into that rough rude plashing crystal
of a brain lens

selling and consuming at the same time
a grey anatomy of alien troponemes

if i could hand you something like a carrot
with a zipper
with a warm imploding glyph inside
with an exothorax of red crystalline foam or dodgy rules
which coos an endosmarag of whispering fur whose pattern
is a music made from ancient enzymes

if that wasn't a kind of added violence
to the cliche' i've already become
a rusty elbow in a terricloth chador
painted whorish with maladies
showing you my false teeth in the earthquake zone
before the next course of garbage is brought out
with a handful of hitchhiking fungus, counterfeit flowers
and an Aphrodesiac made from a puerpery tea of ringworms

poetry isn't made by polluting nomads
but you find dead cellphones by the curb
and kerf

O Monotropa
you blanched plastid
you albino parasite
which hoot in the bog
of quercus
oaky with anther

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