Le Doigt Sale (foole's finger) Il ne faut pas mettre le doigt entre l'arbre et l'écorce. L'affaire lui a glissé entre les doigts.
[er, MuKhTaLiF pEsHoOn. (near to mirth, or so)] It caused a meruaylous swete sauour To respyre and smell aboute his fyngers A pelare of marble Quare-on a tulke Wiþ a toile þis titill vp he wryate or Let them not licke the swete witch Of sowre is their poyson als sone as þe Son vp soSt þe slaStere begynnes And so to þe son-sett to-slyfte Al þy myrour þou mySt fol wel Bote nauSt þe ymage schifte And made+of grete shides and Of blockes Great fire at euery pilis Point and cornis croppis the techrys Stude, as lemand beriall droppis A muyle, al so whit as mylk but toe the Poore Dido this sight so skearye beholding What feeling creepeth? Een Plugge A Plugge or a wooden Pegg. contemporary seed words: finger tool sweet sunset mirror block tear mule scary plug