by 405-12-3415

In response to criticism from 000-00-0000: 
"You are so young so be throwing in your chips at this stage in your life!" 
"Don't forget they've got your number and they will hunt you down!"

Youth is the rushing exhale that exerts all capital and the only chips
that exist are burdens fire-branded to our shadows. The Olympian State
is responsible for this unnecessary quantification, and as such the
Nowist throws all chips into the light of the fire whose being s/he
wills. To real or to void, this is Nowism's refrain.

A radical confrontation with the gate-keepers of one's allotted stream
of capital necessitates a retasking thru visible agency of those
numbers by which one is from conception triangulated. To retain forged
currency for the comforts of privacy is to actively deny that one is
already blipped by the radar.

The Nowist asks: what is one willing to give and not to give? And who
is one (not) willing to gift for what reasons? What structures the
information that one chooses to keep secret? For one's allegiance is
necessarily with one's conspirators, these being those with whom one
breathes the same air. As secrets are the smallest units of shared
breath overcoded, the identifiable locations of their passing and
reception reveal one's relative identity as structured through a
dialectic of whispering.

One of many questions that the Nowist never fails to ask themselves in
their perpetual preparation for the succeeding moments is, am i
prepared for confrontations or am i not prepared for confrontations?
Actions are taken accordingly, and the Nowist admits a complete and
unfallible trust in the efficacy of their techniques of evasion.

And might these techniques, when enumerated in full, include
flash-grenades of obscurantist and misleading rhetoric? This is surely
possible, but what is hidden remains unknown.

Of course, the Nowist externity is already over.

Dreamtime Village, July 2005

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Nowism backlog:

Communique #1:
(72 KB) Communique #2: (5.4 MB)
Communique #3:
(68 KB)

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