here in the bead-house:

that its longing should shelter
the beadledome that the giant of grey berries
wolfskin swaddling foolish rabbits
with insect eyes
dragging Carpathian mountains
from the beak-iron (of its leavening maw)
of the boring mourning beardless

here in the bead-house:

that its cuneal fibicches should caste
the volgivagant golgibollocks that the giardiasis
hunter's horn swaddling foolish skorners of sklanderous poitis
with hollow floral-rimmed ceramic eye sockets
like dainty buckets of red jam
where coal black cherubs bathe and
strangle in their chains
puniceous varblers

here in the bead-house

that its never-ending food hole would not
a scabbing of hands
over a nymph-golem of leprous coins
whose holographic insignia
danced in the vomiting twilight
and our master's face
was a continent of heaving organs
tatooed with hair tornado currents
that the giant of grey brain berries
might wrestle our skeletons from our sleeping
and hang them like gasping mule-socks
from the charred light
of his tracheotomy lantern cunt

which reccccccccccccc

o mend

O menaed of my trumpet neck
a blasso

a varanid
a booket of extinction's clowper


here in the bead-house:

that its longing should shelter
us rows of stong anvils
blinking with bread ludes
donning our sodom ears
draining our fig-muscled glarney hutches

pour such incandescent gravies
in our quivering blowholes
and rimmed w/ black lace elizabeths
whose faces
like stubbed dugong cigars
are stuffed red crystalline thistles
and munching
such gleeting berries
eyes of a coal fish orphan mother

now throw the box away

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